Do you love watching migratory birds fly across the sky? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people all over the world love watching these majestic creatures fly. But what’s even more interesting is the fact that some of the same things that attract migratory birds can also attract other types of birds, too. In this article, we’ll learn about one of the most important factors that attracts migrating birds: food. By providing feeders and food in strategic places, homeowners can spur the migration of resident and visiting birds, making your backyard a more relaxing and enjoyable place to be.
How to attract migrants
Many homeowners love to see the flocks of migrating birds pass by while they’re out and about, but not all homes are built to accommodate this. Here are some tips on how to make your home more welcoming to migrating birds.
One of the main ways to make your home more attractive to migratory birds is by providing feeders. There are a variety of feeders that can be used, from Finch Feeders to Wren Feeders. Which one is right for you?
If you live in an area that is particularly hospitable to migrating birds, there are a number of places you can place feeders to help them stay fed on their long journey.
Though food is certainly one of the main attractions for migratory birds, other factors may also play a role in their choice of destination. Here are a few things you can do to help make your home more attractive to them.
What feeders to use
Migratory birds are attracted to natural food sources. Different feeders attract different types of birds. Some common feeders for attracting migrants are the birdbath, a water feature with a circulating basin, and a feeder with a variety of seed types.
To fill a feeder with the right food, experts recommend providing both a high-protein seed mix (like cracked corn) and a low sugar mix (like sunflower seeds). In addition to providing food, homeowners can also add water features that mimic wetlands. These features help divert water away from development and pollution and promote the growth of aquatic plants, which in turn attracts migrating birds.
Where to place feeders
When attracting migrating birds, one of the most important things to do is place feeders in strategic locations. By choosing the right feeder for the area, homeowners can help spur the migration of resident and visiting birds.
One of the best ways to attract different types of birds is to use different types of feeders. For example, small bowls or cups can be placed in areas where many birds like to perch, such as near a window. Brightly colored food can also be a great way to attract more bird species. Hanging feeders from trees or poles can also be a great way to get the most out of your investment.
Tips for feeding migrants
When it comes to attracting migrating birds, one of the most important factors is food. By providing feeders and food in strategic locations, homeowners can spur the migration of resident and visiting birds.
If you want to attract the most common migrating birds, avoid making loud or jarring noises, and offer food in strategic locations.
Some feeders are easy to fill and clean, while others feature perches that are comfortable for birds of all sizes.
Follow these tips for feeding migrants and you’ll be sure to enjoy the visit of some of nature’s most amazing creatures.
Though there are a variety of factors that attract migrating birds, experts say one of the most important is food. Providing feeders and food in strategic places, homeowners can spur the migration of resident and visiting birds.